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Ha hibát találsz a honlapon:
Írj nekünk!
 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ...
A következő lapokat keresem:

Crush Card Virus
Cyber Jar
Vampire Lord
Ring of Destruction
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Track
Magician of Faith
Harpie's Fether Duster
XYZ-Dragon Cannon

Eredetiben Konami-sban érdekel csak, ha megvan és eladó írj e-mailt!

Exodia 5 lapja

Csupán ennyi, kikötésem, hogy legyen eredeti, de szerintem ezt nem kell magyarázni.

Ha tudsz nekem ajánlatot adni, írj e-mailt, vagy üzenj a Beholderen!

Eladó 1db V FOR VICTORY Starter Deck(Power-Up Pack-kal)
Ár: 3300ft helyett 2800ft +postaköltség(600ft)

Eladó 2db 1st-ös, secret rare Star Eater(JOTL-EN047)
Ár: 5000ft helyett 3900ft/db

Eladó 3 db Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms
Ár: 500ft helyett 350ft/db

További eladó/csere lapok:

Six Samurai - Nisashi
Six Samurai - Yaichi
Six Samurai - Kamon
Shein's Footsoldier
Legendary Ebon Steed
Cloudian – Nimbusman
Cloudian - Poison Cloud
Cloudian - Turbulence
Cloudian - Smoke Ball
Fog Control
Wattdragonfly x2
Cosmic Compass
Barrier Resonator
Blackwing - Brisote the Tailwind
Jar Turtle
Psychic Reactor
Solemn Authority
Nordic Relic Laevateinn
Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar
Garmr of the Nordic Beasts
Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant
T.G. Catapult Dragon
T.G. Jet Falcon
The Resolute Meklord Army
Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress
Boon of the Meklord Emperor
Mektimed Blast
Meklord Factory
Meklord Army of Wisel
Psychic Reactor
Utopian Aura
Shien's Scheme
Asleep at the Switch
Tyrant's Tummyache
Tyrant's Tirade
Divine Relic Mjollnir
Runaway Karakuri
Karakuri Cash Cache
Legendary Wind-up Key
Resonator Engine
Karakuri Ninja MDL 7749 "Nanashic"
Top Runner
Elder of the Six Samurai
Double-Edged Sword Technique
Clock Tower Prison x2
HERO's Bond x2
Neos Force
Cunning of the Six Samurai
Chamberlain of the Six Samurai
Elementar HERO Heat
Elementar HERO Bladedge
The Sis Samurai - Yariza
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole***
Naturia Marron
Wind-Up Warrior
Solemn Warning***

Legendary Flame Lord
Neoraum Path Finder
Dark-Eyes Illusionist
Horus LV4
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - Altus
Tyr of the Nordic Champions
Symphonic Warrior Piaano
Foolish Return
Salvage Warrior
Full House
Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow
Buster Blaster
Oh F!sh!***
Elemental HERO Ocean
Terra Firma Gravity
Crystal Promise
Royal Prison
Inzektor Orb
Shrine of Mist Valley
Gogogo Giant
Evoltile Casinerio x2
Dark Flattop***
Reverse Buster x2***
Photon Lizard x2
Inzektor Hopper x2
ZW-Unicorn Spear x2***
Vanity's Ruler
Elemental HERO Bubbleman***
Ojama Red
Fear from the Dark
Synchro Fusionist
Jar of Greed
Copy Knight
Weights & Zenmaisures
Big Eye

Super Rare:
Horus LV6
Luster Dragon
Neo-Spacian Flame Scarab
Thaumaturgist der Qualen
B.E.S. Covered Core x2
Elemental Hero Storm Neos
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon
Javelin Beetle
Javelin Beetle Pact
Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon
Super War-Lion
Dreadscythe Harvester
Elementar Hero Bladedge
Spell Vanishing
Mutant Mindmaster
Amazoness Heirloom
Golden Flying Fish
Escape from the Dark Dimension(1.kiadás)
The Tyrant Neptune
XX-Saber Darksoul
Advance Draw
Clock Tower Prison x2
Dark Eruption
Coffin Seller
Naturia Strawberry
Naturia Mantis
Naturia Ladybug
Naturia Butterfly
Genex Ally Bellflame
Soaring Eagle Above The Searing Land x2
Molten Whirlwind Wall
Laval Warrior
Dragunity Corsesca
Dragonity Javelin
Warlock of the Ice Barrier
Gishki Aquamirror
Gishki Shadow
Gishki Vanity
Gusto Gulldo x2
Windaar, Sage of Gusto x2
Steelswarm Cell
First Step Towards Infestation***
Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar
Vylon Material***
Vylon Cube***
Jurrac Dino***
Jurrac Herra***
Enishi, Shien's Chancellor x2
Card Ejector***
Inzektor Axe - Zektahawk***
Armor Ninjutsu Art of Rust Mist***
Genex Neutron
Evoltile Elginero
Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transfor​mation***
Flamwell Guard x3
Light End Dragon*** x2
Reckless Greed*** x2
Fusion Gate***
Scrap Dragon***
Wind-Up Zenmaines***
Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms x3 -- 350,-/db

Ultra Rare:
Dark Horus
Drill Syncron
Andro Sphinx
Sphinx Teleia
Theinen, the Great Phinx
Elemental HERO Bladedge(1.kiadás)
Elemental HERO Tempest
Elemental HERO Steam Healer(1.kiadás)
Life Stream Dragon***
Acid Trap Hole
Ring of Defense
Guardian Angel Joan
Kid Guard
Court of Justice
Spawn Alligator
Lion Alligator
Xyz Reflect***
Inzektor Giga-Mantis***
Dark End Dragon*** x2
Dust Tornado***

The Creator
Junk Gardna
Malefic Paradox Dragon
Return Zombie
Hero's Bond
Elementar Hero Woodsman
Nordic Relic Megingjord
Gem-Knight Alexandrite x2
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
Vylon Sigma***
Steelswarm Caucastag***
Jurrac Meteor***
Evolzar Dolkka***
Gravity Warrior***
Giant Rat
Machina Soldier***
Seven Tools of the Bandit***
Star Eater x2 -- 3900,-/db

Ancient Gear Beast
Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh***

Prometheus - King of the Shadows
heló, nincs esetleg egy cyber dragonod, polymerizationod, fusion gated vagy egy cyber end dragonod?
Keresek egy olyan embert aki úgy állít össze nekem egy paklit hogy mellé egy lapra leírja a képességüket is!
Ezeket a lapokat keresem.

Attack Reflector Unit
Cyber Barrier Dragon
Cyber Laser Dragon
Eladnám gyüjteményemet. Több ezer lapom van, igy a commonokat nem sorolom fel, csak a ritkább lapokat. Természetesen mind eredeti konamis.

Secret rare

red eyes black dragon
Gate guardian
swift gaia the fierce knight
Volcanic doomfire x3
gorz the emissary of darkness
starlight road
acid trap hole

Ultimate rare

Silent swordsman lv5
Iris, the earth mother
miraculous rebirth
assault on GHQ

Ultra rare

Blue eyes white dragon
Vampire genesis
Red eyes darkness dragon
Lava golem
spinhx telia
andro sphinx
Theinen the great sphinx
junk synchron
koa'ki meiru gravirose
manticore of darkness
mystic swordsman lv6
freed the matchless general
cyberdark dragon
mythical beast of secret x2
inferno fire blast
Last turn
temple of the kings

Super rare

Luster dragon
Thestalos the firestorm monarch
behemoth the king os all animals
the dark creator
eccentric boy
quitlebolt hedgehog
revival jam
twin-headed behemoth
cyber esper
cyberdark horn
cyberdark edge
cyberdark keel
reaper of the darkness
card destruction
mask of dispel
syncrho blast wave
cyber shadow gardana
tuner's barrier
jar of greed
mirror wall
shadow spell
man-eater bug
graceful charity
dark room of nightmare


Dark Blade
darksea rescue
mystic swordsman lv2
avatar of the pot
spirit of the breeze
thunder nyan nyan
gaia soul the combustion collective
Besresk gorilla
manga ryu-ran
shadow ghoul
the fiend megacyber
mask of darkness
kycoo the ghost destroyer
getsu fuhma
combo master
lightning punisher
iris, the earth mother
dark lucius lv6
Allure queen lv5
vanity's fiend
vanity's ruler
miraculous rebirth
flash of the forbidden spell
degenerate circuit
necklace of command
second coin toss
limiter removal
mask of brutality
spirit message "a"
royal oppression
robbin' zombie
draining shield
destruction ring
chain burst
defensive draw
robbin' goblin
forced ceasefire
cross counter
magic drain
blasting fuse
reckless greed
blast with chain x3
dimensional inversion
compulsory evacuation device x2
bottomless trap hole x2
skill successor
black horn of heaven
mad dog of darkness
gearfried the iron knight
rampaging rhynos
ufo turtle
dark driceratops

Az ár/árak megegyezés szerint. A common lapok között is vannak értékesebbek és hasznosak. NYitottam egy teljes cyberdark impact displayt, 2db marik structure decket, 2 db zombie world structure decket, 1 zombie madness structure decket és egy collector"s tines fémdoboz is jár hozzá
egy parat irok,hogy mi van meg: Dragon F.G.D, Arriving Ceremony, Mountain, Testament Mask stb.....egyben szeretnem eladni a 223Db-ot.
sziasztok. Van elado Yu Gi Oh 223db-os es egy jateklap hozza.Varazslat es csapda ,szorny kartyak elado.Az egesz ara 6000Ft.
Hello! Ezeket a lapokat keresem eredeti konamis kártyaként. Ha valakinek megvannak és megválna tőlük, akkor írjatok e-mailt:


Labyrinth wall
Wall of Illusion
Mystic Horseman
Vorse Raider x2
Maha Vailo
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2
Battle Ox
Mask of Darkness
Saggi The Dark Clown
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Z-metal Track
Ryu-Kishin Powered
La Jinn The Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2
Cyber Jar
Prevent Rat
Magician of Faith
Judge Man
Witch of the Black Forest
Barrel Dragon
Needle Worm
The white stone of legend
Magan Drago
Paladin of White Dragon
Slate Warrior
Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Kaiser sea horse
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End - Ez Fontos! lenne


Monster Reborn
Ring of Defense
Change of Heart
Dark Hole
Gravekeeper's Servant
Soul Exchange
Harpie's feather duster
Cost Down
Burst Stream of Destruction
A wing beat of giant dragon
The flute of summoning dragon


Trap Hole x3
Magic Jammer
Crush Card Virus
Ring of Destruction x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x2
Attack Guidance Armor
Royal Decree
Virus Cannon
Final Attack orders
Bottomless trape hole

Fusion Deck:

Rabid Horseman
YZ-Track Dragon
XY-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Trident Dragoin

Egyéb: Obelisk The Tormentor
Kedves Kisara214!
Én ezeket szeretném megvenni tőled(már ha külön is lehetséges):
Water Dragon 1 edition
cyber dragon limited edition
Proto-cyber dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 1 edition
Slifeer the sky dragon
Obelisk the tormentor
The Winged dragon of ra
Black Rose Dragon lilmited edition
Rainbow Dragon limited edition
Uria, lord of searing flames limited edition
Hamon, lord of striking thunder limited edition
Exodia 5 db-os

Válaszodat előre is köszönöm
A következő lapokat kínálom eladásra:

Verlockene Königin LV5 CDOP-DE007
Magicians Circle CP04-EN011
Arcanite Magician / Assault Mode CRMS-EN021
E-Hero Wildedge DP03-EN010
E-Hero Phoenix Enforcer DP05-EN012
Neo Spacian Grand Mole DP06-EN002
Evil Hero Malicious Edge DP06-EN006
Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy DP06-EN008
Armor Breaker DP06-EN009
Dark Calling DP06-EN019
E-Hero Flame Wingman DP1-EN010
E-Hero Tunder Giant DP1-EN011
E-Hero Rampart Blaster DP1-EN012
Kartenauswerfer DPCT-DE001
Different Dimension Dragon DPKB-EN014
Peten the Dark Clown DPKB-EN019
Paladin of the White Dragon + Ritual DPKB-EN024
XYZ-Dragon Cannon DPKB-EN025
Cost Down DPKB-EN033
Blast Magician FET-EN020
Gerfried the Swordmaster FET-EN022
E-Hero Wild Wingman FOJ-EN015
E-Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer FOJ-EN033
Evil Hero Lighting Golem GLAS-EN039
Breaker the Magicial Warrior GLD1-EN014
Stray Lambs IOC-092
Curse of Darkness IOC-106
Mystical Elf LOB-E050
Giant Soldier of Stone LOB-E054
Spirit of the Harp LOB-E061
Stop Defense LOB-E075
Gaia the Dragon Champion LOB-E101
Dark Magician LOB-G003
Revival Jam LON-006
Jam Breeding Machine LON-020
Rückkehr de Verdammter LON-G021
Catapult Turtle MRD-075
Witch of the Black Forest MRD-136
Shield & Sword MRD-E131
Kuriboh MRD-G071
Hyozanryu MRL-075
Magician of Black Chaos PP01-EN001
Black Magic Ritual PP01-EN002
Shield Crush PP01-EN007
Marshmallon Glasses PP01-EN003
Marshmallon PP01-EN004
Return Zombie PP01-EN006
Dark Magic Curtain PP01-EN008
Legacy of Yata-Garasu PP01-EN009
Zera the Mant + Ritual PP01-EN010 | PP01-EN011
Javelin Beettle + Ritual PP01-EN012 | PP01-EN013
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon + Metalmorph PP01-EN014 | PP01-EN015
Gift of the Mystical Elf PSV-009
Harpies Brother PSV-019
Morphing Jar #2 PSV-040
Gearfried the Iron Knight PSV-101
Mutant Mindmaster PTDN-ENS01
Necklace of Command RDS-EN040
Moja RGBT-EN084
Penguin Soldier SDJ-G022
Sündenbock SDJ-G040
Card Destruction SDY-E038
Dark Magician SDY-G005
Black Luster Soldier SYE-024
Black Luster Ritual SYE-025
Handcuffs Dragon TDGS-EN013
Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon YMP1-EN002
Winged Kuriboh TLM-EN005
Transcendent Wings CRV-EN045
Winged Kuriboh Lv10 CRV-EN005
De-Fusion LON-092
Skyscraper CRV-EN048
Fifth Hope TAEV-EN045

Ezenken kívül még számtalan common lap várja gazdáját.
A lapok garantáltan eredetiek, szinte új állapotúak.

Egyben akár 10 - 15 ezer forintért is megválok tőlük.
Persze a kártyákat külön külön is eladom. És a kártyák eredeti kártyák.
A Blue-Eyes White Dragonból melyik fajtából kellene? 4 külön képpel.
Hello! Külön laponként adod ?

Kellene!: 2 Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Polymerization.

Eredetik a kártyák ugye?

Eladnám a gyűjteményem

Paladin of White Dragon DR1-EN081 (2 db) 700 ft/db (ritual kártyával együtt)
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon MRL-E000 (1 db)
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Limited Edition RP01-EN000, JMP-EN005
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon limited edition MOV-EN001 (2 db)
Master of Dragon Knight (Japán) GB7-003 (1 db)
Burst stream of desturction DR2-EN150 (2 db)
Kaibaman rare WC5-EN002, WC5-DE002 (2 db)
Kaiser sea horse SKE-015 (2 db)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon SDK-E001 (9db) SDK-001 (3 db)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon 1 edition SKE-001 (8 db) SKE-001 (1 db) LOB-E001 1db, 1 edition LOM-E001 (1 db)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon PCK-001 (2 db), DB1-EN098 ( 1 db)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon JMP-001 (3 db)
Exodia 5 db-os
Uria, lord of searing flames limited edition CT03-EN005
Hamon, lord of striking thunder limited edition CT03-EN006
Black Rose Dragon lilmited edition C105-EN003
Slifeer the sky dragon GBI-001
Obelisk the tormentor GBI-002
The Winged dragon of ra GBI-003
Chaos emperor dragon – envoy of the end limited edition T1M-ENSE2
Gandora the dragon of destruction Japán kártya!! VB8-JP001
Sacred phoenix of nephtys limited edition EEN-ENSE3
Levia dragon –daedalus DR2-EN 084
Ocean dragon lord – neo daedalus 1 edition SD4-EN001
Water Dragon 1 edition EEN-EN015
Cyber phoenix 1 edition EOJ-EN009
Rainbow Dragon limited edition CT04-EN005
Rainbow Dark Dragon 1 edition PTDN-EN003
Horus the black flame dragon LV 6 1 edition SOD-EN007
Horus the black flame dragon LV 8 limited edition EEN-ENSE1
Dark Horus 1 edition PTDN-EN016
Armed dragon LV7 DP2-EN012
Armed Dragon LV10 1 edition DP2-EN013
Different Dimension dragon 1 edition DCR-015
Red-Eyes B. Dragon LOB-E056
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon 1 edition SD1-EN001
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon PP01-EN015
Red-eyes Zombie dragon 1 edition SDZW-EN001
Serpent Night Dragon 1 edition MRL-E130
Felgrand Dragon 1 edition SDRL-EN001
Cyber Dragon Limited edition GLDI-EN022 (3 db)
Cyber twin dragon CRV-EN035
Cíber end dragon 1 edition CRV-EN036
Cíber end dragon limited editon STON-ENSE1
Divine dragon – excellion 1 edition SOI-EN033 (3 db)
cyber barrier dragon 1 edition SOI- EN006
Proto-cyber dragon SOI-EN010
Megarock dragon 1 edition TLM-EN015
Marshmallon PP01-EN003
Marshmallon glasses PP01-EN004
Spear Dragon DB2-EN152
Winged kuriboh 1 edition TLM-EN005
Winged kurriboh LV10 1 edition CRV-EN005
Super-Electromagnetic voltech dragon EOJ-EN031
Dark Magician SDY-E005
Dark Magician 1 edition SYE-001
Dark Magician girl Limited edition CTZ-EN004
Card ejector limited edition DPCT-EN001
Dark eraducator warlock 1 edition SD6-EN001
Silent swordsman LV5 FET-EN008
Black luster ritual 1 edition SYE-025
Black luster soldier 1 edition SYE-024
Arcanite magician CRMs-EN043
Rubin, Queen of Cbilivion 1 edition SOI-EN034
End of the world 1 edition SOI-EN046
Deise, king of armageddon 1 edition SOI-EN035
Alpha, magnetkrieger DOR-G001
Beta, magnetkrieger DOR-G002
Gamma, magnetkrieger DOR –G003
Blockman limited edition DPK-ENSE1
Guardian angel joan DR2-EN088
Gaia the fierce knight LOB-E004
Celtic guardian LOB-E005
Obnoxious celtic guard DB2-EN112
Ehren, lightswordn monk LODT-EN082
Freed the brave wanderer DR2-EN014
Gilford the legend 1 edition SD5-EN001
Insect Queen limited edition CT1-EN005
Panther Warrior limited edition CT2-EN006
Vampire genesis 1 edition SD2-EN001
Yubel PTDN-EN006
Lighning Punisher CDIP-EN026
Neo-Spacian flare scarab POTD-EN004
Hannibal necromanger limited edition PTDN-ENSE2
infernal flame emberor 1 edition SD3-EN003
UFOroid 1 edition CRV-EN010
Tytannial, princess of camellas 1 edition CSOC-EN029
Simorgh, bird of divinity 1 edition SD8-EN001
Harpie lady sisters MRD-E009
Graceful Charity 1 edition SDP-040
Scapegoat SDJ-041
Polymerization LOB-E047
MAsk of dispel LON-017
Skyscraper CBV-EN048
de-fusion 1 edition LON-E097
Ancient gear castle SOI-N047
Ring of Defence DP2-EN026
Dedication through light and darkness 1 edition JOC-095
Relod DRB2-EN045
Graceful Dice EDS-002
Skull Dice EDS-003
Terra firma gravity PP02-EN013
Judgment of anubis DCR-105
Royal command 1 edition LON-E080
Interdimensional matter transporter DR1-EN214
the Flute of summoning dragon SDK-042 (1 db), sdk-E-039 (2 db)
lord of d.sdk-041 (1 db), sdk-e038 (2 db)
lava golem eladó és náhny klasszikus lap, hasznos spell és trap. csere is érdekel de bármilyen ajánlatot meghallgatok. írj rám listáért
Eladnám 95 angol nyelvű hologramos lapból álló yugioh kártyagyűjteményemet, mely tartalmazza: 31 spell, 12 magic, 47 monster, 4külföldi (1 német, 3spanyol) és exodia 5részét! Leginkább starter deckes lapok, de van néhány kiegészítőből való lap is benne. Kérésre írok listát!

Exodia: -5-Cartes-Brillantes-Exodia-Le-Maudit-Version-Us-. jpg

Még maradt 1db eladó 2013-as V FOR VICTORY Starter Deck-em, természetesen bontatlanul és a hozzá járó Power-Up Pack-kal együtt.
Ár: 1db 3300ft +postaköltség(600ft)

Eladó 2db 1. kiadású secret rare Star Eater(JOTL-EN047) synchron szörny. Darabja 5000ft.



Daigusto Phoenix


Into The Void
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x2
Forbidden Lance x3


Trident Dragion


Fallen Angel of Roses(PP13-JP002)
Queen Angel of Roses(VE01-JP002)


Minden eladó!

Six Samurai - Nisashi
Six Samurai - Yaichi
Six Samurai - Kamon
Shein's Footsoldier
Legendary Ebon Steed
Cloudian – Nimbusman
Cloudian - Poison Cloud
Cloudian - Turbulence
Cloudian - Smoke Ball
Fog Control
Wattdragonfly x2
Cosmic Compass
Barrier Resonator
Blackwing - Brisote the Tailwind
Jar Turtle
Psychic Reactor
Solemn Authority
Nordic Relic Laevateinn
Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar
Garmr of the Nordic Beasts
Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant
T.G. Catapult Dragon
T.G. Jet Falcon
The Resolute Meklord Army
Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress
Boon of the Meklord Emperor
Mektimed Blast
Meklord Factory
Meklord Army of Wisel
Psychic Reactor
Utopian Aura
Shien's Scheme
Asleep at the Switch
Tyrant's Tummyache
Tyrant's Tirade
Divine Relic Mjollnir
Runaway Karakuri
Karakuri Cash Cache
Legendary Wind-up Key
Resonator Engine
Karakuri Ninja MDL 7749 "Nanashic"
Top Runner
Elder of the Six Samurai
Double-Edged Sword Technique
Clock Tower Prison x2
HERO's Bond x2
Neos Force
Cunning of the Six Samurai
Chamberlain of the Six Samurai
Elementar HERO Heat
Elementar HERO Bladedge
The Sis Samurai - Yariza
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole***
Naturia Marron
Wind-Up Warrior
Solemn Warning***

+ egy raklap Order of Chaos common lap, mint pl.: Shocktopus, Divine Dragon Apocralyph, Inzektor Ant, Centipede, Giga-Weevil... Kérdezz rá!

Legendary Flame Lord
Neoraum Path Finder
Dark-Eyes Illusionist
Horus LV4
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - Altus
Tyr of the Nordic Champions
Symphonic Warrior Piaano
Foolish Return
Salvage Warrior
Full House
Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow
Buster Blaster
Oh F!sh!***
Elemental HERO Ocean
Terra Firma Gravity
Crystal Promise
Royal Prison
Inzektor Orb
Shrine of Mist Valley
Gogogo Giant
Evoltile Casinerio x2
Dark Flattop***
Reverse Buster x2***
Photon Lizard x2
Inzektor Hopper x2
ZW-Unicorn Spear x2***
Vanity's Ruler
Elemental HERO Bubbleman***
Ojama Red
Fear from the Dark
Synchro Fusionist
Jar of Greed
Copy Knight
Weights & Zenmaisures
Big Eye

Super Rare:
Horus LV6
Luster Dragon
Neo-Spacian Flame Scarab
Thaumaturgist der Qualen
B.E.S. Covered Core x2
Elemental Hero Storm Neos
Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon
Javelin Beetle
Javelin Beetle Pact
Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon
Super War-Lion
Dreadscythe Harvester
Elementar Hero Bladedge
Spell Vanishing
Mutant Mindmaster
Amazoness Heirloom
Golden Flying Fish
Escape from the Dark Dimension(1.kiadás)
The Tyrant Neptune
XX-Saber Darksoul
Advance Draw
Clock Tower Prison x2
Dark Eruption
Coffin Seller
Naturia Strawberry
Naturia Mantis
Naturia Ladybug
Naturia Butterfly
Genex Ally Bellflame
Soaring Eagle Above The Searing Land x2
Molten Whirlwind Wall
Laval Warrior
Dragunity Corsesca
Dragonity Javelin
Warlock of the Ice Barrier
Gishki Aquamirror
Gishki Shadow
Gishki Vanity
Gusto Gulldo x2
Windaar, Sage of Gusto x2
Steelswarm Cell
First Step Towards Infestation***
Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar
Vylon Material***
Vylon Cube***
Jurrac Dino***
Jurrac Herra***
Enishi, Shien's Chancellor x2
Card Ejector***
Inzektor Axe - Zektahawk***
Armor Ninjutsu Art of Rust Mist***
Genex Neutron
Evoltile Elginero
Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transfor​mation***
Flamwell Guard x3
Light End Dragon*** x2
Reckless Greed*** x2
Fusion Gate***
Scrap Dragon***
Wind-Up Zenmaines***
Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms x3 -- 500,-/db

Ultra Rare:
Dark Horus
Drill Syncron
Andro Sphinx
Sphinx Teleia
Theinen, the Great Phinx
Elemental HERO Bladedge(1.kiadás)
Elemental HERO Tempest
Elemental HERO Steam Healer(1.kiadás)
Life Stream Dragon***
Acid Trap Hole
Ring of Defense
Guardian Angel Joan
Kid Guard
Court of Justice
Spawn Alligator
Lion Alligator
Xyz Reflect***
Inzektor Giga-Mantis***
Dark End Dragon*** x2
Dust Tornado***

The Creator
Junk Gardna
Malefic Paradox Dragon
Return Zombie
Hero's Bond
Elementar Hero Woodsman
Nordic Relic Megingjord
Gem-Knight Alexandrite x2
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
Vylon Sigma***
Steelswarm Caucastag***
Jurrac Meteor***
Evolzar Dolkka***
Gravity Warrior***
Giant Rat
Machina Soldier***
Seven Tools of the Bandit***
Star Eater x2 -- 5000,-/db

Ancient Gear Beast
Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh***

Prometheus - King of the Shadows
Ezek a bizonyos lapok érdekelnének :

Szörnyek : - Harpie Lady x4
- Harpie Lady 1 x 2
- Harpie Lady 2 x 2
- Harpie Lady 3 x 2
- Harpie Lady Sisters x3
- Cyber Harpie Lady Sisters x2
- Harpie Queen x3
- Harpie Girl x2
- Harpie's Pet Dragon x3
- Harpira, The Dragon Lady x2

- Amazoness Queen x2
- Amazoness Paladin x2
- Amazoness Blowpiper x2
- Amazon Archer x2
- The Unfreindly Amazon x2
- Amazoness Chain Master x2

Csapda : - Harpie's Feather Storm x3
- Harpie Lady Sparrow Formation x2
- Hysteric Party
- Harpie Lady Falcon Formation x2
- Mirror Wall x2
- Shadow of eyes x2
- Amazoness Willpower
- Amazoness Archers x2
- Waboku x3

Varázslat : - Aero Nail
- Triangle Ecstasy Spark x2
- A Feather Of A Harpie
- Harpie's Fury x2
- Cyber Shield x2
- Rose Whip x2
- Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation x2
- Harpie's Feather Duster x2
- Harpie's Hunting Ground x3
- Hysteric Sign x2
- Scapegoat
- Follow Wind
- Amazoness Spellcaster x2
- Spell Reproduction x2
- Amazoness Fighting Spirit
- Elegant Egoist x 3
- Pot Of Greed x3

Előre is köszönöm !

E-mail címem :

Eladó kb. 1500-2000 darab yugioh kártya. Ebből sajnos kb. 200 nem eredeti, de a többi igen! Vannak nagyon ritka kártyáim ha kell, valamilyen ritka kártya vagy érdekelnek a kártyák írj email-t.:
Ezeken kívűl van 18 darab miniatűr, kis méretű kártya, van 2 db yugioh-s fém dobozom, van magyar játékszabály kiskönyvem, 2b angol nyelvű
játékszabályzatom és körülbelül 6 darab játékterem. Ezekről persze képeket is tudok mutatni és mégegyszer mondom ha kell valamilyen kártya szólj és megnézem, hogy megvan-e.
Játékszabályzatok és játékterek: es.hu_.jpg
Kis méretű kártyák: epfeltoltes.hu_.jpg
2 fém doboz: w.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg
2 kép a kártyákról: eltoltes.hu_.jpg eltoltes.hu_.jpg

Elszeretném adni az alább felsorolt lapokat. Akit érdekel valamelyik az nyugodtan írjon.

Ultimate rare

Level Limit – Area A

Secret rare

Commander Covington
Evil Dragon Anata
Right Leg of the Forbidden one

Ultra rare

Gravekeeper’s Guard
Kanan the Swordmistress
Dangerous Machine Type-6

Super rare

Melommelody the Brass Djinn
Jumbo Drill
Elemental Hero Poison Rose
Destiny Signal


Hammer Shark
Inzektor Giga-Cricket
Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
Photon Lizard
Dverg of the Nordic Alfar
XX-Saber-Faultroll (német)
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror (német)


Gogogo Golem
Big Jaws
Friller Rabaca


Gogogo Golem
Gogogo Giant
Number 83: Galaxy Queen 2db
Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine
Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
Lightray Daedalus
Dark Sage
Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
Graggonith, Lightsworn Dragon
Zubaba Knight
Ganbara Knight
Ljosalf of the Nordic Aflar
Chiron the Mage
Stoic of Prophecy
Pyrotech Mech – Shiryu
Flame Tiger
Voltic Kong
Red-Headed Oni 2db
Garbage Ogre
Heraldic Beast Unicorn
Vennominom the King of Poisonous Snakes
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Hawk
D.D. Warrior Lady
Nimble Angler
Snowman Creator
Double Shark
Inzektor Giga-Weevil
Inzektor Earwig
Sabre Beetle
Worm Illdan
Marionette Mite 2db
Evolsaur Darwing
Evolsaur Elias
Evolsaur Terias
Tyrano Infinity
Overlay Eater
Overlay Owl
Doom Donuts
Sweet Corn
Mogmole 2db
Planet Pathfinder
Destiny Hero – Diamond Dude (német)
Morphtronic Vacuumen (német)
Lyna the Light Charmer (német)
Batteryman AAA (német)
Koa’ki Meiru Drago (német)
Harpie Lady Sisters
Swift Birdman Joe
Ebon Magician Curran
Grass Phantom
Infernal Incinerator
Cyber Archfiend 2db
Raging Earth
Silent Abyss
Radiant Spirit
Firestorm Prominence
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
Gren, Tactician of Dark World
Beelze Frog
Des Frog
Cannon Soilder
Ancient Gear
Machine King Prototype
Electromagnetic Bagworm
Drillroid 2db
Left Leg of the Forbidden one
Left Arm of the Forbidden one
Harpie Lady
Spirit of the Harp
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
Dark Blade
Blade Skater
Mad Lobster
Zure, Knight of Dark World
Mirror of Yata
Charge of the Light Brigade
Final Gesture
Berserk Scales 2db
Realm of Light
Xyz Burst
Xyz Energy
Gateway of the Six
Karakuri Gold Dust
Karakuri Cash Cache
Gateway to Dark World
gravity Blaster
Magnet Circle LV2
Anchient Gear Factory 2db
Anchient Gear Drill
Spell Wall
Red Medicine
Black Illusion Ritual
Counter Cleaner (német)
Destiny Signal
Xyz Effect
Interdimensional Matter Transporter
Anti-Spell (német)
Heartfelt Appeal 2db
Trap Hole
Commander of Swords
Byroad Sacrefice (német)
The Forces of Darkness
Tiki Soul
Power Break (német)
Heroic Gift
Limit Reverse
Chthonian Polymer
Dust Tornado 2db
Jar of Greed
Érdekelne pár lap a listáról.


akit érdekelnek a kártyák az írjon:

van pár eladó yu gi oh kártyám

kb 1600 magyar lap
kb 1200 eredeti angol lap
kb 200 eredeti német lap

továbbá szívesen cserélgetnék is!

van jó pár limitált kiadású lapom,
rare,super,secret,synchro lapokból is akad!
Eredeti dark magician és blue eyes white drgaon eldó írjon akit érdekel
eladó szeged rég használt yugioh gyüjtéményem 770-780 lap van benne ár 20000ft .Ízelítõ:Slifer 2x Ra 2x blue eyes 4x dragon vein aranykörítéssel E-mail
Hello, A Ptdn Yubel és a Rainbow Neos érdekelne ha megvannak még. Előre is köszönöm,


Több mint 7000 darab Eredeti,Holdfény-től vásárolt lapok lapok eladóak 20ft/db áron.

Írj hogy milyen lapokra lenne szükséged,illetve ha csak darabra kellenének lapok akkor is írhatsz.

Email-ra írj :

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